For me, growing food is magic, pure and simple.
Planting a seed, watching it grow, nurturing it and watching that seed reaching its full potential, becoming what it is meant to be is the most awesome thing in the world. I studied English and Philosophy in college. There are many more elaborate, thought provoking adjectives I could have chosen but I chose AWESOME because that is the best way to describe something so wonderful.
To grow food is to see the world in a different way, to notice your environment, to think outside of yourself long enough to notice something so simple and beautiful and pure happening right in the moment. Growing food is meditation and mindfulness in motion and when I grow food I feel truly alive.
I don't have my own garden yet. I had, at one point but that's over now. I was lucky enough this summer, though, to have access to my parent's garden, unrestricted, to make an attempt to grow some real veggies, some bee friendly pollinators and herbs to kick ass in the kitchen with.
I will of course be updating this page with more food related posts. Not just what to grow and how to grow it but current innovative ideas garnered from wonderful people and the world wide web. Get ready to make busylittlefoodie a healthy, happy, awesome part of your world.
Here are some photos from this summer to keep you busy in the meantime
Nasturtiums (the greatest edible flower plant in the world) and sage
Borage (my favourite flower), hardy, stunning cornflower blue stars dreamt up by bees
One of the first courgette flowers-planting courgettes changed my world-I had NO idea they could grow some big from such a simple little seed. Magic.
Potatoes overflowing in the second bed and second hand red bricks bordering the herb bed
Calendula-the flower that keeps on giving.
Courgettes, nasturtiums, dill and amaranth! Who knew the trial run for this south American grain would work!
Chamomile! Best trick I learnt from my beautiful little elf Eileen is that if you chew the flower heads after a cool night, it tasted like bubble gum!
Compost bin in the back-I'm a compost nerd so expect more about this
Sunflowers to brighten the world around us
JJ. He spent the summer sticking his nose in my face while I gardened and "stealing" calendula flowers (self medicating for a bad cut he had on his hind leg) and eating blackberries-my little side kick
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